how to ride a bike. Up until yesterday, it had been years since I owned or rode a bicycle. The last bike I had – a 12-speed racing bike – I bought nearly 20 years ago when I was a freshmen in college. I rode it for a few years and then it sat unused… Continue reading They say you never forget…
Category: Blogger Import
Blogger import
Mom Meets the Axe Murderer
Sometimes your parents need a little, aaahhh, parenting. My mom is a busy senior. She maintains two homes, has loads of friends, goes boating, golfs, walks, goes to concerts, likes to read, watch movies, etc. This last year she even got into the internet, learning to do email and surf the web. That was more… Continue reading Mom Meets the Axe Murderer
Thanks to Teresa, I learned today that Electronic Arts is planning yet another expansion pack for The Sims. This one, called The Sims Unleashed, will allow your Sims to have pets! As Teresa points out, the sim lesbian households can finally be complete. Also added is the ability to garden (and sell your produce at… Continue reading Excited!
Friends or Not?
This started out as a comment to Tracy’s entry today about how she finds it strange to be friends with her ex. Turns out I had a lot to say, so I’m posting it here instead. I was almost always friends with ex-boyfriends. Fortunately, I haven’t had to test the waters with ex-girlfriends since I’m… Continue reading Friends or Not?
What a Relief
I figure if Karen can talk about “Lefty” then I can talk about peeing… I’ve been having some trouble. A week ago I went to see the doctor. I peed in a cup, answered a load of questions and gave some family history. “yeah, urgent not frequent, no burning, no itching” “no, I don’t drink… Continue reading What a Relief