My great-aunt, who is 80, and her husband, 70, finally feel well enough to travel after a myriad of health problems over the last few years. (Back surgery and a broken arm for my great-aunt, bladder cancer for my great-uncle.) They tested the waters with a trip to Vegas a few months ago. Auntie has… Continue reading Trip of a Lifetime?
Category: Blogger Import
Blogger import
Another Victim
The blogger borg have assimilated another. The Pax Nortona blog has shown up several times in my referrers list. Joel Sax is an interesting guy with thoughtful, intelligent commentary on a wide range of subjects. He’s also working on a book. Here’s an excerpt from an entry in which he describes his forays into online… Continue reading Another Victim
Reunion Weekend
I guess all I’ve been doing lately are so-called ‘haircut blogs.’ Apologies in advance. Real estate update: The mortgage bank received and processed my payment. The side of the garage got scraped and painted. Signed and notarized papers have gone back to the attorney. The FHA inspector comes back tonight and the pest inspector is… Continue reading Reunion Weekend
What a Week…
Oh wait, it’s only Thursday, isn’t it? Shit. Aside from still feeling creaky and bruised from the fall I took riding my new bike, and from the aforementioned bicycle thievery, there’s been plenty going on here to keep my head spinning. Let’s see, where do I start? I managed to lose my cash card on… Continue reading What a Week…
Un-fuckin’ Believable!
Mel just called me to say that her brand new bicycle has been stolen! We put them in the garage last night, each of us running the 6-foot heavy-duty cable lock through the front and rear tires of our respective bikes. That was my idea, I’d said “We should put the locks on them. It’ll… Continue reading Un-fuckin’ Believable!