25 % My weblog owns 25 % of me. Does your weblog own you? Funny, when I did this quiz last weekend it was only 12.5%, I should have posted it then. (Stolen from Chari and a whole bunch of other people.) Also, go and wish Elaine a happy birthday. While you’re there, scroll down… Continue reading I Am Not An Addict
Category: Blogger Import
Blogger import
Hump Day Blog Salad
Passed my test… yippee! Done with that stuff for a while. Now I’ve got to get moving on my projects list. Lots to do before my vacation. Anyone know how I can learn German in three weeks? The house might close on Friday but I can’t seem to get my attorney to call me back… Continue reading Hump Day Blog Salad
On a Study Break
A few weeks ago I moved offices. I wasn’t really happy about it because I would actually be sharing a room with someone. Previously I was in a divided space with a common entrance. It was still a share, but much more private. There are a few advantages to the new space. Aesthetically, it’s a… Continue reading On a Study Break
It was this kind of day…
but not for me. Oh, and don’t you love a good bone?
I am supposed to be studying today for my last certification exam on Monday evening. Really. The bird won’t shut up. The puppy is bored and driving me nuts. Mel, of course, is at work when I need her to be home to take care of the kids. Also, I can’t help but stalk Karen… Continue reading Distractions