Not much to say. Just making lists, thinking of things I gotta get together for the upcoming European vacation. Trying to decide whether to buy a slightly larger suitcase or a really great backpack that has wheels and a handle. Maybe a new digital camera. Need to figure out what kind of gift to bring… Continue reading Bored But Busy
Category: Blogger Import
Blogger import
It Finally Happened
Yay! The house I owned for 12 years is sold. The closing was this afternoon. No more double duty on yard work. No more extra repair bills. No more cleaning up after tenants. No more out-of-pocket for expenses that didn’t get covered because only one of the two units was rented. That’ll save me about… Continue reading It Finally Happened
It’s my nightly custom to get the bird out of his cage and take him to his play gym in my office. Fill a dish with some snacks for him. Fire up the computer and prepare to settle in for a while. I reach across my desk to turn on the lamp. As I’m reaching,… Continue reading Eeeeek!
Blog Genealogy
This is a pretty cool idea. It’ll be interesting to check on it from time to time as more people sign up. For right now, mine’s not much to see: Grey Bird’s Genealogy. One thing I’ve noticed is that people aren’t editing the ‘date of birth’ for their blogs, instead they leave it the date… Continue reading Blog Genealogy
Morning Cacophony and Monday Rants
The phone rang at 6 a.m. Yes, six o’clock this morning. We didn’t answer it since the phone in the bedroom is not working at the moment and I haven’t taken the time to resolve the problem. I hate being woken by the phone. It’s especially unnerving when the phone rings after midnight or before… Continue reading Morning Cacophony and Monday Rants