I loved Germany and wish I’d had longer than 5 days there. We didn’t really sightsee much or do any shopping. I would have liked to see more of the surrounding area but there simply wasn’t time. All we did was visit people. The purpose of the trip was really to visit my 92 year… Continue reading Vacation Report – part 1 (Germany)
Category: Blogger Import
Blogger import
A message from Helga
I am Helga von Schtup and mein english is nicht so gut. I met der grau bird in Vienna. She told we she vas singel rich Americanisch and vould I like to make some voopie mit her in the wineyards. Now is she left and I got nothink from telefon, no email, nuthink. Chust grape… Continue reading A message from Helga
What fun. I should be embarassed but since I’m narcissistic I won’t bother. I wonder if that nutty ER psych nurse can help? Disorder Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: High — Click Here To Take The Test — Stolen from… Continue reading Wheeeee!
I can’t do it…
This morning Mel was watching a memorial service being held at Ground Zero on TV. From the bathroom, I could hear the announcers slowly calling off the names of the World Trade Center victims. My eyes brimmed. I went to the living room and stood in front of the TV for a moment. The tears… Continue reading I can’t do it…
I’m Back!
Phew, am I beat. I should never have thought I could come home on a Sunday night from a vacation like this and go to work on Monday morning. Stupid. I really needed a vacation from my vacation. I should have lied to my guest bloggers about when I was coming home. Since my return,… Continue reading I’m Back!