I’ve been trying to help some of my birdy friends who are officers of a national avian related organization get domain ownership and hosting issues resolved for the organization’s website. The brother of a former officer – I’ll call him ‘Joe’ – had registered the domain, developed and hosted the site. The organization paid for… Continue reading Asshole
Category: Blogger Import
Blogger import
Quick Update
Mel and I made pomegranate jelly. Twice. The first time it did not set so we emptied the jars back into the pot, re-sterilized them, and re-cooked the jelly adding more pectin. It seems to be a bit better this time but not all the jelly has set yet. This was our first time making… Continue reading Quick Update
File this under the “you learn something new everyday” category. Amazon.com never ceases to amaze me. Everytime I visit their site – roughly once or twice a month – I always see some feature of the site I’ve never noticed before. Today Karen mentioned You Can Heal Your Life and I’d never heard of it… Continue reading Wow
Liked the Art Work
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Thanksgiving was very nice, thanks. Mel cooked a turkey breast and we made all the trimmings. The Bombed Empress came to eat with us and then Mel went to work. BE and I went to see Far from Heaven. It was a pretty good drama, not very exciting though. Afterwards we had pie for dessert.… Continue reading Updates