The week before Christmas, while I was on vacation, my boss phoned early one morning. Okay, so 8:30 in the morning isn’t that early… but I was asleep. He tells me there’s a power outage at the school. Actually, the whole neighborhood is without power and the service isn’t expected to be restored until sometime… Continue reading Gotcha!
Category: Blogger Import
Blogger import
I’m on the phone with a potential client, discussing the details of a small freelance project. He has a whole list of questions that I’m answering one by one. Mel is puttering around in the background and then she hands me a note which reads: You’re so smart! When you talk like this I get… Continue reading So…
Happy New Year
I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year’s eve. We’re going to a party hosted by the new president of that avian related club we belong to. She’s the party animal nurse I wrote about last summer. She lives in the sticks, about an hour away, so of course I won’t be… Continue reading Happy New Year
Merry Christmas
to you all! Time flies when you’re doing nothing. Vacation agrees with me. Since returning from my out of town trip I have done some shopping, some sleeping, online gaming and wrote a load of holiday cards. The last of the cards were mailed yesterday, those were all to my relatives in Europe. Heh, better… Continue reading Merry Christmas
Out of Town
Back on Thursday. Will probably finally tell my 80 year old great aunt that Mel is more than just my roomate. It’s time… it’s been four years now. She knows anyway. During our last phone conversation when I was explaining that the timing of my visit would revolve around Mel’s work schedule so that someone… Continue reading Out of Town