I was sick this weekend. Intestinal distress, maybe something I ate… I’ll spare you the details. I’m better now but stayed home from work today anyway. I knew I wasn’t going to get any rest last night because of the puppy. Say hi to Thilde. It’s only been 24 hours and we are in loooove.… Continue reading New Family Member
Daypop Diversions
I played six times and it was correct each time. I have no idea how the trick works but this mind-reader goldfish is pretty crafty. This kind of stuff drives me nuts. Test your Tension Quotient with a Philosophical Health Check. My score was 33%, so my belief systems are not too conflicted. Now you… Continue reading Daypop Diversions
No Big Surprise
Are you Addicted to the Internet? 70% Hardcore Junkie (61% – 80%) While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times.… Continue reading No Big Surprise
Queen of ‘No’
I’ve had a number of ridiculous requests recently. Perhaps ridiculous is a harsh word, but the queries mostly stem from the fact that my co-workers don’t understand what I do and/or that they are too lazy to undertake a little investigation on their own to obtain an answer. Here’s a sample: After explaining how to… Continue reading Queen of ‘No’
More Sims!
I haven’t had too much time for my beloved Sims recently, between freelance jobs, playing Diablo2 with Mel (the characters we play have finally passed the level 50 mark) and messing around with this blog. Apparently, I was sleeping when Maxis announced last month yet another expansion set for The Sims. Check out the sneak… Continue reading More Sims!