The virtual Lego builder is cool. Build a dog house for your puppy. Hell, build the puppy. At least you won’t have to go out in the pouring rain to take it out. Blow off some steam by bringing on The Wrath of God. Pretend the stick people are your asshole neighbors who won’t turn… Continue reading Amusing Diversions
Disgusted and Angry
Attackers carve slur on young lesbian. What is wrong with people? Via wKenShow and Metafilter. [Update 9:00 p.m. – I’ve noticed some folks are suggesting the girl carved herself. Whaddya think?]
This Makes Sense
I’m so close to the border I could spit on Canada if I wanted to. I’ve been a Canadian beer snob since before I was old enough to drink and have definitely consumed more Canadian beer in my life than domestic beer. Their regular, mass consumption beer – Molson and Labatts – is far superior… Continue reading This Makes Sense
Mystery Solved
Mel just called me to tell me the postal supervisor was back this morning. He talked to the substitute carrier and they figured out what happened. Since I had so much mail yesterday and it didn’t fit in the mail slot, the carrier tried putting it in the milkbox on the side of the house.… Continue reading Mystery Solved
We (Don’t) Deliver For You
Played hooky from work today. Mel’s best friend (and ex), Jay, is visiting. I’ve always liked Jay, but I like her more since she moved out of state. We went Easter shopping, primarily for pysanky eggs. Jay collects them. When we got home there was a ton of mail waiting. Several magazines, catalogs, and a… Continue reading We (Don’t) Deliver For You