I’ve been sick all week. Maybe a cold, sinus problems, allergies or a combination of all three. I’ve used an entire box of tissues, Nyquil, Dayquil and Sudafed attempting to eradicate this malady which includes a constant headache, inability to breath through my nose, persistent itching in my ear canals and violent sneezing. It started… Continue reading Hell Week
The One That Got Away
I didn’t follow my own advice about saving your work as I blogged along. A great blog entry that I was having fun writing for the last few hours. I was almost finished. Then, my computer crashed. My words vaporized. Now I am sad and angry at myself. I can’t recreate it, it just won’t… Continue reading The One That Got Away
I Like This
which children’s storybook character are you? this quiz was made by colleen Snagged from irenic*embers.
From another article “Lesbians: We made our baby deaf on purpose” “After their daughter’s first hearing test, the couple wrote happily in her baby book: “Oct 11, 1996 – no response at 95 decibels – DEAF!” Their daughter attends a special kindergarten for children with hearing problems. After tests on their baby son showed he… Continue reading More…
I Don’t Get It
Lesbian couple have deaf baby by choice. Why? via web queeries