
This blog is listed in the top 50 links being displayed by users. The rank has changed so many times in the last two days that I’m thinking it must be a random listing. Yet, when I hit refresh on the page right now the order doesn’t change. For example, at the moment I… Continue reading Amazed

Happy Birthday

Go say Happy Birthday to Karen. She’s 49 today! A caring person and a good friend since I ‘met’ her last year, she is the founder of the Funny Girl Network and gives great blog. Oh, and what Tracy said, too. (Since I’m not feeling anywhere near as eloquent today.)

Touch yourself…

for a good cause! Fourth Annual Masturbate-A-Thon sponsored by Come As You Are. What a fabulous idea, you gotta love those Canadians. via Blogdex

Sniffing Chair Arms

I’ve been fighting to get a decent, ergonomic, size and weight appropriate chair at work since last September. After months of feet dragging on the part of my boss, human resources (yes, I got a doctor’s note) and the purchasing department, the cadillac, $1k(!) chair with the contour seat and lumbar support has finally arrived.… Continue reading Sniffing Chair Arms