
I logged on to check my work email. There was a message from our campus ministry secretary saying that Esther’s son Rick died yesterday in hospice. She never mentioned to me that he was sick.

No Spoilers Here

We went to see that movie that opened today. We thought a 10:45 p.m. show on a Thursday night was a great option. Neither of us have to get up for work tomorrow morning. It’s a week night so it sure wouldn’t be mobbed like it would be on Friday or Saturday night. And it’s… Continue reading No Spoilers Here


I just deleted my employer’s website. Well, not the files themselves but the web server entry for it. Time for a visit to the server room since I don’t have remote access to this one. Color me 404. Damn it.

Soaking wet…but back at it.

I’m f*ckin’ sick of rain. It’s been raining almost non-stop for more than a week. My basement leaks, there’s a river traversing the floor. I’ve learned my gutters need to be repaired in some places. I can’t go in and out of the garage without passing through Niagara Falls. My car leaks. The seal at… Continue reading Soaking wet…but back at it.