Out of Town

Gone for the weekend. Potentially amusing details on Monday. In the meantime, move along… there’s nothing to see here.

Ooops, I did it again…

Took a little time off, I mean. Is today really Wednesday? Time flies when you’ve got too much on your plate and you’re already feeling stuffed to the gills. Have some of my blog salad, won’t you? Hooray! The buyers came back with another offer, meeting me halfway between their original offer and the amount… Continue reading Ooops, I did it again…

Wallet Lifting Exercises

I talked to my realtor late Friday morning and the new buyers have made an offer. Yay! My realtor automatically countered the offer, telling them their offer was far less than another I’d had. This was true, but the original buyers needed significant assistance and a second mortgage. It’s pretty much a dead deal anyway… Continue reading Wallet Lifting Exercises

No babies here!

Okay, well maybe one… The little brown dog was spayed today so she needs babying for a while longer. When we picked her up, I got the idea that the vet’s office staff took turns holding her all day long. She cried and wouldn’t sleep unless someone was holding her. Who could resist? She is… Continue reading No babies here!