Nekkid workout during dyke dance night.
Okay, so I’ve been gone a while and you’ve probably already seen these links elsewhere. Still, since I am overwhelmed by the cool factor for both, here they are anyway: Ever wonder what to do with some of the books gathering dust on your shelves? Thinking about getting rid of them? The last time I… Continue reading Distractions
Miscellaneous Updates
We were approved by the rescue organization to get the doggie I wrote about last week. Now we have to sign the contract they send, pay the adoption fee and arrange to get the dog. I can’t wait! I’ve seen a few fencing contractors, and there’s one more coming tomorrow. It looks like the job… Continue reading Miscellaneous Updates
Food for Thought?
My girl sent me a link to this article called When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History. It’s very interesting and worth reading. If it’s true, it’s both prophetic and frightening. But, I know not to believe everything I read. Although it sounds plausible, I can’t judge for myself how true it really is… I… Continue reading Food for Thought?
Now I Really Know
A test I took at The Political Compass describes me as: Economic Left/Right: -5.25 Authoritarian/Libertarian: -3.38 With Left and Libertarian as the negative numbers in a scale that ranges from -10 to +10. I pinched this link from the Spacemonk, who wrote based on this i am like gandhi, but with with a tilt towards… Continue reading Now I Really Know