The client I fired has a partial website posted. I am both horrified, as well as amused, by its incredible ugliness. It doesn’t validate, has poor useability and causes an older version of Netscape to simply crash. Did I mention it’s extremely ugly? sigh… Oh well. You get what you pay for. It’s even more… Continue reading Yikes!
Molly Dominates Stuffed Rodents
Say Hello to Molly
As I said previously, we didn’t get the dog we thought we were getting. Instead, we got a sweet, little gem who has turned out to be a fabulous playmate for Thilde. And this little dog really did need a home… She’d been dropped off at a shelter in Georgia along with another dog. It… Continue reading Say Hello to Molly
My Own Personal Martha Stewart
This is a photo of a Martha Stewart cake that Mel made yesterday. It is for a family birthday celebration at our house tonight, both my step-mother and I had birthdays this week. The cake itself is a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting made from a oft-used family recipe. The decorations are right out… Continue reading My Own Personal Martha Stewart
Get Me While I’m Cheap…
Holy sh*t. According to BlogShares, the value of my blog has increased 650% in two weeks. Shares in this blog are now available to trade at 27¢ per, so buy now. Congrats to Jael and Roni, both are in the Top 100.