After working for 15 days straight, I am on day three of one of the worst sicknesses I’ve ever had. Mel is on day five and just starting to feel functional. Today is the first day she’s left the house since she went to the doctor on Monday. It feels like some thing with sharp… Continue reading Misery
Happy Valentines Day
Well, here I am at work – for the 14th day in a row I think – listening to the new Annie Lennox CD. I love Annie Lennox and this new disc is pretty good. I took a side trip to Best Buy this morning to pick up Mel’s Valentine gift. I hope she likes… Continue reading Happy Valentines Day
Was the SuperBowl really only last weekend?
Seems like it’s been longer much long than that… I didn’t watch it and I can’t even remember who won. But, Janet Jackson’s boob has been in the news every day this week. On the web, in print, on TV. Hell, I even passed by commentary analysis on MSNBC while flipping channels. Like we don’t… Continue reading Was the SuperBowl really only last weekend?
Yeah, I’m a Cold Fish
Take the temperament test. Temperament Score Idealist 6 Rationalist 12 Traditionalist 6 Hedonist 6 Your temperament type is Rationalist. Rationalists want to understand and gain power over nature, to understand, control, predict, and explain realities, to be seen as competent, to have, most of all, competencies, capabilities, abilities, capacities, skills, and ingenuity, to be able… Continue reading Yeah, I’m a Cold Fish
Thank the Goddess January is Over
The depressing pall over my house is starting to lift. Things were pretty miserable between the sadness of losing the dog and getting stir-crazy from being stuck in the house during several weeks straight of sub-zero (or close to it) temperatures. The two little 10lb dogs couldn’t be walked in that weather, in fact they… Continue reading Thank the Goddess January is Over