The moral dilemma and yuck factor of meat has really begun to hit home with me lately. I’m losing my enjoyment of meat, not because I dislike the taste but because I’ve become more aware… More aware of the significant negative impacts the meat production industry has on the environment. More aware of the horrific… Continue reading Seriously Considering Being a Vegetarian
Coming Up for Air
Or, where the hell has that Lazydog been? Make yourself comfortable, this is going to be a long one. Grab a cup of coffee or something, ok? For the last seven months, according to the in-game age meter, I have logged over 800 hours playing GuildWars. GuildWars is known as an mmorpg – a massive… Continue reading Coming Up for Air
Happy Halloween
We scaled our pumpkin carving back this year… only 3 compared to last year’s 13.
How Ironic
Every third Thursday, the neurology practice I go to holds a support group meeting for their MS patients. They typically have a speaker—a specialist from within the practice or someone from the university—give a lecture on some aspect of MS. It’s usually interesting and I learn something. The only thing I don’t like is that… Continue reading How Ironic
Why Parrots Rock
This one’s been sitting in my email for a week and I saw it again when visiting Deborah’s blog. It’s too good not to share. [youtube][/youtube] Snowball lives at Bird Lovers Only Rescue. Full-length video can be found on YouTube.