How Ironic

Every third Thursday, the neurology practice I go to holds a support group meeting for their MS patients. They typically have a speaker—a specialist from within the practice or someone from the university—give a lecture on some aspect of MS.

It’s usually interesting and I learn something. The only thing I don’t like is that the events are sponsored by a pharmaceutical company so they’re always sure to let us know that pizza, fruit tray and trinkets are provided by XYZ pharmaceuticals. (Uggh, why must *everything* be commercialized?)

Anyway, the last meeting was held the day after that conference I went to in Rochester ended. My own neurologist was giving a lecture on cognitive function and memory issues for MS patients. It was a topic I was interested in and I really wanted to hear what he had to say…

But I freakin’ forgot to go!


  1. Hi! I came across your blog today and found it amazing that this was the topic. I was at an MS conf oct 28th where I saw only one drug company logo, and the company was never mentioned by anyone. I thought that was a nice change.
    If you want excellent information on current research, treatments and progress towards finding the causes of MS, check out they are 98% funded by private donations, not the drug companies.

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