So, yeah…

I have MS.

The doctor I saw last month called about two weeks ago to let me know that the inconclusive MRI had been reviewed by a radiologist who determined the films showed a positive-for-MS result. I was told to go ahead with the additional tests that had already been scheduled so that the specialist I’ve been turfed to will have more information.

Last Friday, I went to the neurological testing lab at a local hospital. I got wired up for these tests. The visual tests seemed to go okay and the sensory tests mostly okay except for one part. In the sensory tests, they test your limbs by applying stimulus at the wrists and ankles individually and recording how long it takes the sensation to travel to your brain. The stimulus is an electrical current – a fairly strong zapping – that you’re supposed to feel travel beyond the origin. So at the wrist, you feel the current move into the palm of your hand and fingers. From the ankle, you feel it move into the arch, ball of the foot and toes.

I totally didn’t feel it on the lower left side.

The technician moved the stimulator to a number of different spots on my ankle. Can you feel it? Nope. How about here? Nope. Here? Nope. She finally gave up and moved it up to the back of my knee. Can you feel it here? Ummm… a little. So she ran the test but didn’t get much in the way of results.

Failing the lower left sensory test wasn’t a suprise; my leg is frequently numb below the knee, especially the bottom of my foot. I wonder how much of it is attributable to my herniated disc and stenosis (narrowed spinal canal) though, as opposed to the MS. Bleh. Either way, walking, and especially stairs, are pretty challenging these days. Not a good situation for someone who’s inclined to mostly sit anyway.

I still have a week and a half before I go to see the specialist to get a more complete diagnosis and learn about treatment options. Dragging this shit out has really been rough. I’d just like to get on with whatever it is I’m supposed to do.


  1. It’s awful how they drag this shit out. You’d think when someone’s peace of mind and quality of life are involved, they’d get the hell off the pot or take a damn shit. I have no idea if any of that made any sense, but it felt good to hammer it out on the keyboard. 🙂

    I’m thinking of nothing but the best for you and Mel. And that this all turns out to be just a goofy mistake and that your spine is just congenitally f—ed up and you’re a klutz.

  2. Thanks, Chari.

    Yeah, I’d originally told the doctor that in the end he’d be telling me that I was just a big klutz and needed more PT for strengthening and balance. He said he hoped so too.

    We both so wish the klutz diagnosis could still be true but at this point, I’d be surprised (and elated!) if that happened.

  3. I am so sorry to read this. This sucks. I have nothing helpful to say except I have been thinking about you and hoping the diagnoses would be for klutz and not MS.

  4. My friends brother was diagnosed with progressive MS 8 years ago. He too exhibited just a few symptoms, numbness and tingling, and it was a long process to reach the diagnosis. But I am pleased to report that he’s doing great! With the right meds it is manageable. Obviously, I’m not saying the same will be true in your case, but here’s hoping it is. There have been a lot of advances in treatment options for MS.

    Still – it’s a major whammy to be handed and well, all I can really say is… crap.

    I’m sending good vibes in your direction.

  5. That totally sucks. Doesn’t the universe know that it can’t deal this kind of shit to my BFF?

    I am keeping you in my thoughts and sending lots of healing vibes to you. I’ll check my new spell books when I get them for a remedy!

  6. What a drag.
    Fortunately, from what I know of you you’re a tough old broad who will end up spitting MS in the face.
    I’m sending good thoughts as you mount this obstacle. You go, girl.

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