I hate Rachael Ray. She’s annoying.
I start physical therapy later today, finally. In the meantime, chiropractor visits and regular ibuprofen have been very helpful.
We’re going to my dad’s house on Thanksgiving. At last count 17 people will be there. My contribution will be 2 bourbon pecan pies that I’ll make with gourmet Georgia pecans I snagged from a friend, her southern auntie sends them to her every year. I can’t wait!
I suspect Michael Richards’ career is pretty much dead now.
I am soooo behind at work… but nobody knows.
People who allow chain collars to become embedded in their dog’s neck should have that happen to them.
Tonight at my weekly game night, I’m teaching two games. We meet at a coffee house. One of the guys who signed up to play in my group has somewhat disgusting eating habits. On his first night with our group I watched him hold a sandwich with two hands and gnaw it like a chipmunk very fast, chewing with his mouth open. I watched with horror… and I was distressed to see that he did not always wipe his hands before touching the game pieces. I am hoping that he will not be eating during the sessions I’m leading, and that I won’t have to admonish him to be careful with my game pieces. Sigh.