
Does anyone know why email attachments – like Word documents – mysteriously turn into inaccessible files called winmail.dat?


  1. Hola Greybird!<br><br>"When a separate attachment, such as a Word document is sent from the user on MS Outlook to a non-MS Outlook user, the attachment and winmail.dat file (which may be automatically added to the end of the message if the recipient’s client cannot receive messages in Rich Text Format) may be combined into a single winmail.dat file".<br><br>And do you still own a house in BF? I haven’t seen you mention it lately.

  2. It means that your hornflogger was dornucated with your flaffenblager, so you need to unronigufigure your blatenfonger. Got it? Easy.

  3. Chari – you forgot to mention to be **very very careful** not to reconfluffornate your external interplaticator when accessing the hornflogger. Could be disastercating.

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