Quick Update

Mel and I made pomegranate jelly. Twice. The first time it did not set so we emptied the jars back into the pot, re-sterilized them, and re-cooked the jelly adding more pectin. It seems to be a bit better this time but not all the jelly has set yet. This was our first time making jelly. We probably shouldn’t have increased the recipe size and we may have used the wrong kind of pectin – liquid instead of powder? Even though this batch wasn’t the best, we aren’t going to give up. We’ll definitely make jelly again sometime.

We bought each other Yule gifts. Early yes, but we aren’t good at waiting. 😉 She got a Martin 12-string guitar and I, geek that I am, got one of these. I didn’t get the DVD player though because I got it on eBay at a much better price.

I have been working on my project list at work and am still optimistic that it’ll all get done before the end of the day tomorrow. Uh huh… yes I am. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be sitting here blogging, right? Not. Actually, if it were only my original list, it would all be done. But, the minute people realize you’re leaving for vacation they suddenly remember that they have something that needs to get done before you leave. As a result, I am wading through a whole lot of last minute crap and this blog is my mental break from it all.


  1. mmmmm. I love pomegranates, and I imagine that the jelly will taste good. I hope it’s good, and don’t give up.<br><br>I hope you get all your work done… as for me, I have tons of stuff to get done, also, which is why I’m reading your site right now.

  2. Kathy and I have a hard time waiting to give each other our gifts… the past two years, she’s gotten to open her gifts early, because I got her various tools and something always seemed to break right before Christmas, requiring her to go out and buy the tools she needed, which were the ones I got her for Christmas, so she got to open her presents early. 😛 But this year, I got her a boat, and she won’t need that until summer, so there’s no way she’ll get to open it early! 🙂

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